
Search for the Arcnum- Intro

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Captain0Dragon's avatar

Literature Text

Somewhere, in a forest outside of Aldlight Ra’am was sitting by a small campfire, staring intently at it. He was a bit grumpy, but more so Worried. He didn’t like being this close to a city, especially not a capital city! He was humming some random tune to calm himself down when out of the bushes rushes out Magni.. and falls on the ground face first with a small ”ow!”. Ra’am gave out a small gasp and jumped back and reached for his blade, but then he realised who it was and he ran to help his friend up. “What happened Magni? I thought you wanted to stay the night in an inn in the city” Ra’am said as they walked over and sat in front of each other with the fire in the middle. “Oh you wouldn’t believe what happened! So I was walking in the city, when I saw a slow but noticeable gathering of Woolyne walking towards an inn. So I thought that whatever they are going to see must be good. So I joined the crowd and walked with them into the large inn. It was quite stuffy with all of the Woolynes around me, some of them seemed more confused and unaware then I was.
And then this Woolyne climbed on top of a chair and began to make a speech. Something looked off about her, and then I realised! Her hair was floating! And not only that, she was an Amiyn Woolyne!” “Wait just a minute…” Ra’am interrupted, this Woolyne seemed familiar to him, had he met them somewhere? “Was her fur light blue shades?” Magni answered with a nod and an “mhm” of confirmation “Then I met her once in a forest. We talked for a while before each going our own separate ways” Magni had a bit of a shocked look on his face “You met the princess of the unicorn court?!” Ra’am was fairly confused “Wait are you saying she is the princess of the unicorn court?!” Now Magni was surprised “You didn’t know? She is called the Wandering Princess all over the land, the court can never keep her in one place. And so you can tell my surprised when I saw her like that making the speech in that place, but it explained why so many Woolynes had gathered there. Now you might be wondering what she was talking about” Ra’am nodded, now listening much more intently. Magni poked the fire with a branch before adding it to the other burning pieces of wood. Keeping it hot and going so it won’t die during the story. “She started talking about that great booming sound there was a while back, and the whole business with the forgetting. Apparently, it was caused by the Arcanum” Ra’am had a look on his face which was between surprised and interested “So apparently, a Amiyn duchess went missing while studying abroad in Azmarin. The Arcanum said they have nothing to do with it, but nobody trusts them of course. So she is asking everybody willing to try and help to try and help. Of course, there will be rewards. So what do you say buddy, ready to go on an adventure with purpose?” Ra’am took his time to think, he already knew his answer but he liked seeing the expression on his friends face “Yeah. You know I can’t just do nothing after a call to action like that” Magni smiled “So, do you have any idea where do you want to start?” queried Ra’am “Hm, let's see… I had the idea to go along the coast all the way to Seawynne, ask whoever comes along, and from there we can take a boat to Azmarin!” Ra’am yawned “But isn’t a boat, you know, very expensive?” Magni stopped to think for a moment before replying “It might be… But I’m sure we can put enough money on the side until then so we will have enough to go to Azamarin and get back!” Ra’am didn’t look too trusting in that plan “I think I have a better plan. How about we take a detour through Solaris, then to Fenmoore, and then to Seawynne. That way we can search a wider area, ask more people, and gather more money to go Azmarin” Magni leaned back and looked at the stars of the clear night sky “That actually sounds like a better plan than mine. Plus it would be nice to see Fenmoore again…”.
As the fire was dying they both looked at the stars, going over the plan again in their heads “I think we have a plan then” Ra’am cut the silence “But I’m getting rather tired. So next morning, we start out adventure?” This time it was Magni’s turn to yawn “Yeah, sounds like a plan” They both lay down by the fire’s remaining ambers “Goodnight” Magni said “Goodnight” Ra’am replied.
And as they both fell asleep they knew tomorrow will be the start of some adventure.
Thank you for reading!
I am very excited to see where the world event goes in part two! 


Registration sheets: Ra'am, Magni 
  - Entry = 1
  - Extra registred Woolyne (Magni) = 2 shards
Total: 3 shards
© 2018 - 2024 Captain0Dragon
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alaeries's avatar
Event rewards roll:

Ra'am has gained 34 Bonus EXP points!